Date: December 5, 2022

Are you still renting and want to get into home ownership but think rate are too high?

Let’s assume you are a first time home buyer and you think 5.5% interest is high?

You know what’s high? Renting – 100% interest

Let’s talk about options:

There are a few rent to own companies out there helping Ontario families get into home ownership

Here is what you need to know:

You can make improvements to your home – because it’s yours

You need to have 5% down payment

Contracts can be 3-5 year terms

You lock-in your purchase price now

Each month you will be paying a portion mortgage and a portion towards the down payment. At the end of your program you will be able to purchase you home

You are building equity from day one

It’s important that you use a reputable rent to own company

As this will be very important when we are ready to move the home into your name at the end of your contract.

If you are interested in more info, connect with me and I will be happy to help you

Want to learn more – connect with us 905-870-0513 or

Let’s talk rent-to-own. Is this right for you?

If you want more info connect with us